black walnut ink making workshop this sunday!!

if you've been following my blog or website or my art at all, you will have noticed that i've gotten super into using natural locally foraged dyes in most if not all of my work. i love it. it is such a beautiful way of communing with our earth mother, receiving from her and inviting her into my studio and artwork. its a magical world out there in the forest. who needs to spend hundreds of dollars at an art store? seriously! so, i've moved into a studio on the top floor of the phil mechanics building with a beautiful community of soulful artists one of whom is sharing my studio with me. Jackie Maloney is a very well established artist here in Asheville and has been using black walnut dye in her elegant artwork for quite some time now. so it only makes sense that we would teach this class together. come join us this sunday. afterwards, my friend Andrew Rainey will be hosting a live music event in the same space on the top floor of the phil mechanics building.  that will start at around 5ish. sweet! hope to see you there. please RSVP to me if interested.
love you,


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