how to stay positive...

i work in a healing community, which i sometimes feel is like God winking at me with a little smile on his face. "you said you wanted healing."   every morning i wake up to this sign on my wall. i've been doing this for the past 3 years. and then i see this on rebecca rebouche's blog. (i love her): 

Keep a song in your heart
Running your own business as an artist presents you with thousands of moments to second-guess yourself, to stick your professional life and personal life in a blender until you don't know where one ends and the other begins, and to fall apart for the world to see. But thank goodness it also gives you a thousand moments to pick yourself up through your work, to be rescued by your customers and reminded of the goodness in people all around you, and teaches you to trust yourself. We are never done learning and growing and I'm just so thankful I have these little stretched canvas rectangles to splash with color and line that somehow make sense of it all. I hope the cycle never ends. What an incredible life. Thank you for helping me survive the hurdles, share the joys and keep a song in my heart.

Hope to see you soon!


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